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Staying resilient by prioritizing one another in an unprecedented crisis

Staying resilient by prioritizing one another in an unprecedented crisis

Now is the time to be mindful of others and emphasize compassion.

At times like these, I am tempted to say how precious human life is and how fragile our world can be. But the truth is, we have never seen anything like this. Our strength and humanity has been tested throughout history, but what is unfolding around us will undoubtedly reveal new vulnerabilities and challenge our adaptability in unthinkable ways. And for many, these setbacks will feel insurmountable.

Here at USGBC, we already spend the better part of our days talking about the need for our society to be more resilient. And now, in the midst of a pandemic, we have the opportunity to help each other by sharing our best practices and our resilient behaviors with communities all around the world.

For 26 years, we’ve worked hard together to build USGBC, GBCI, and LEED up to where they are today. And with the full support of our Boards of Directors and our members, this is the time for each and every one of us to focus on living the values of our organization.

Our vision for the future is stronger than ever. The global foundation for sustainability that we have cemented in place is indestructible. And even in the midst of an unprecedented global public health crisis, I have no doubt that the equity all of us have built over the past generation will endure.

Our work and our mission have not stopped. We have strategically adapted to the current crisis by prioritizing stability over uncertainty and steadiness over anxiety. We have prioritized mindfulness and self-reflection and have given our organization and community a chance to be safe and still and to come together under the common banner of humanity.

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