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K–12 curriculum: Shifting mindsets with sustainability lessons

K–12 curriculum: Shifting mindsets with sustainability lessons

Learning Lab partner Dream in Green shares what’s special about its Green Schools Challenge curriculum.

Every day, we see how important it is to teach students about sustainability and how much of an impact those students can have on shifting mindsets within their own communities.

Dream in Green (DIG) is a South Florida-based nonprofit that focuses on educating preK–12 students for sustainability and demonstrating the solutions for reducing environmental impacts. The organization’s founders shared a passion for environmental sustainability and recognized that by harnessing the imagination, creativity and enthusiasm of young minds, schools could serve as fertile ground to shape a community committed to environmental stewardship.

The Green Schools Challenge (GSC), a program of Dream in Green, is specially designed curriculum for students to increase their appreciation for, connection to, and knowledge of the environment, with the intent to inspire each student to become an environmental steward.

Dream in Green joined the Learning Lab Partner network this year, and its Green Schools Challenge lessons are now available as part of the annual subscription. The curriculum currently available contains seven lessons for grades preK–12 covering waste and green living. Additional lessons will be added to the Learning Lab platform throughout the year.

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