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Green Apple Day of Service leader

Green Apple Day of Service leader

Green Apple superstar Ibrahim Kronfol led 200 volunteers working with 2,500 students in 2018.

This year’s Green Apple Day of Service has seen many successes, with communities working together to positively affect schools and spread sustainability. Behind each impactful project is a leader coordinating and planning the ways to engage students and communities.

One of last year’s Green Apple Day of Service Award winners for project leader, Ibrahim Kronfol, has been an example of determination and success in leading change with students in the Middle East and India. Since Green Apple’s inception in 2012, Kronfol has worked tirelessly to spread awareness and positively change students’ behavior in India, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. In 2017, he led 77 volunteers to reach over 1,000 students. In 2018, his efforts were doubled, with over 200 volunteers working with 2,500 students.

We’re so impressed with his success that we asked Kronfol to share how he has positively affected students and communities:

How have your Green Apple Day of Service projects sparked other sustainability actions in communities?

Our projects have had significant impacts on the host schools and their communities. To widen outreach and spread our message, we target new schools each year, focusing on schools that would not have access to similar activities otherwise, such as schools serving underprivileged communities.

This collaboration with different schools each year has had far-reaching effects. We reach more teachers and see their commitment grow as they ask questions, take notes and give suggestions during our first meetings with them. Many schools from previous sustainability movement campaigns that we led have now started their own Green Apple Day projects. We’ve even inspired numerous schools to implement ongoing recycling programs. They are proof that we are making great strides toward a greener future.

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