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How the integrated process can make decarbonization easier

he design-build project delivery method is gaining momentum as the most popular construction method in the U.S. because the integrated process saves time and money, allows for more innovation and fosters collaboration. Design-build firms have a reputation for outperforming traditional delivery methods, and the same opportunities exist for better implementation of building performance strategies.

Strategies that reduce carbon emissions

When an owner only has one contract with a single point of responsibility through use of the design-build method, it can be easier to align ESG goals and project performance. Having the designer, consultants and contractor working together from the onset of a project provides consistent and aligned total building optimizations and decarbonization recommendations that are within the project budget and schedule.

For example, emphasizing sustainable design strategies and building performance in conceptual design leads to greater reductions in carbon emissions. Early energy modeling helps determine building massing, orientation, window-wall ratios, envelope performance, shading devices and potential for on-site renewable energy generation.

The mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers and the energy modeler can collaborate on building electrification, right-sizing equipment and life cycle cost assessments of proposed MEP systems while the architect is tackling building programming and structural engineers are determining the efficiency of the structural system.



LEED and health care facilities

LEED-certified health care spaces promote health and wellness on two levels.

Feature image: The LEED Gold Huntington Hospital Emergency Department in Huntington, New York. Photo credit: Chris Cooper.

Green buildings can promote health and wellness for occupants and the community alike. Good indoor air quality, nontoxic materials, access to daylight and other strategies can enhance the experience of the people who live, work, learn and play in buildings.

When it comes to LEED-certified spaces, hospitals, clinics and other health care facilities work on two levels toward human health: Their very purpose is to restore and maintain good health, and meeting the standards of LEED certification amplifies their success by enabling spaces that promote a positive experience in both mental and physical health.

Worldwide, projects certified as health care facilities total 1,668, encompassing 237 million square feet. Thousands more are registered and progressing toward certification.


What the 2023 spending bills mean for green building

Now that the federal spending bills have been passed, explore what they can accomplish.

After a few months of partisan stalemate, Congress voted just before the holidays to pass the annual spending bills that fund the federal government.

Because they fell in the shadow of groundbreaking laws such as the Inflation Reduction Act, it’s tempting to think of the 2023 appropriations bills as more status quo than anything new and exciting. Tucked inside the hundreds of pages of bill text, though, are significant victories for green schools, federal buildings, affordable housing standards and other USGBC priorities. That, of course, is on top of the routine, but critically important ongoing funding for programs like the Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Office, EPA’s Energy Star, GSA’s Federal Buildings Fund and others.

Additionally, appropriations bills aren’t just about funding; they allow Congress to provide direction, often through report language accompanying the legislation, on how lawmakers expect the funding to be spent. In some cases, this direction is as important as the funding itself, and is a focus of USGBC’s appropriations advocacy each year.


Energy efficiency jobs report shows over 2 million employed in the sector

The report by E4 shows about 2.2 million U.S. workers employed in energy efficiency.

Feature image: the LEED Platinum Market One building in Des Moines, Iowa. Image credit: Jared Heidemann.

Released in December 2022, the sixth annual energy efficiency jobs report by E4 the Future and E2 shares that nearly 2.2 million U.S. workers are currently employed in the energy efficiency field. The report is based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and a survey of tens of thousands of businesses.

The report shows that 54% of workers in energy efficiency are employed in the construction field, while 24% are in professional services and 21% are in manufacturing and trade. Among these workers, 8% are veterans, which is higher than the national average of 6%.

Assisting with growth in this are, says the report, the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, says the report, will “bring historic investments in efficiency to all sectors of the U.S. economy.”

Diversity in this sector of the green workforce is still a problem, where the ethnicity of employees is 76% white and 74% male. The report suggests focusing on hiring practices, workforce development funding and location of energy efficiency projects as essential to improving equity, diversity and inclusion in the sector.

White House releases new commitments to cleaner indoor air

For over two years, clean indoor air has become increasingly recognized as a vital tool for response and recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the launch of the National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan, the Biden-Harris administration has mobilized agencies across the federal government to improve indoor air quality through research, innovation and education.

In October, the White House held a first-of-its-kind summit focused on the challenges and opportunities associated with indoor air quality. A key theme throughout the discussion was funding for upgrading outdated building systems and schools. USGBC and other organizations have done extensive research into how schools have managed air quality during the pandemic, highlighting practical solutions and outcomes. The administration also launched an updated Clean Air in Buildings website with a host of resources and information on how businesses and organizations can participate in the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge that kicked off earlier in 2022.

Putting technology to work for healthier and more sustainable buildings

It’s become increasingly clear, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, that buildings have a profound impact on both the planet and the people who use them. Buildings, where we spend approximately 90% of our lives inside, according to the U.S. EPA, can help make us happier and more productive, as well as improve our well-being. They must also be part of the solution in the fight against climate change. Buildings currently account for 37% of global energy consumption, according to the International Energy Agency, and the U.S. Department of Energy shares that almost a third of that energy is wasted.

Driven by COVID-19 on the one hand, and climate change on the other, building owners, managers and operators are working hard to both support healthier workplaces and advance energy-saving solutions that help meet climate goals. What’s most important is that we do both together. When it comes to deploying building solutions, we cannot separate occupant well-being from planetary health

New USGBC Report Finds School Districts Prioritizing Federal Funds for Air Filtration, HVAC Upgrades

“Federal funding has given school districts a financial lifeline to make improvements at schools and help reduce the risk of COVID infection. These upgrades can go beyond the pandemic and yield positive results that last far into the future,” said Anisa Heming, director for the USGBC Center of Green Schools. “By investing in school facility upgrades, these schools are creating healthier working and learning environments for staff and students, and we will continue to encourage districts to allocate remaining funds to green building strategies that improve health and operational performance.”

2022 Global Status Report renews call to decarbonize building sector by 2050

More emerging economies increased their use of fossil fuel gases in buildings in 2021. At the same time, global building energy demand increased by around 4% t from 2020 to 2021, to 135 EJ—the largest annual increase in the past 10 years. In addition, CO2 emissions from buildings operations have reached an all-time high of an estimated 10 GtCO2, about a 5% increase from 2020 and 2% higher than the previous peak in 2019. UNEP found that this reflects both the reopening of the global economy and the lack of structural changes to support decarbonization of the building sector during the pandemic. In 2021, the decarbonization level decreased to 8.1 points, from 11.3 in 2020. The Global Buildings Climate Tracker finds that the building sector remains off track to achieve decarbonization by 2050.

Gain a LEED credential to better prepare your students for green careers

Clean economy jobs are on the rise. Today’s students have the opportunity to pursue jobs that will advance sustainability, equity, technology and resilience. Today’s teachers are eager to engage students in experiences that will equip them for the first steps of their career journeys. If you’re a high school instructor of architecture, engineering, energy, construction, building trades, environmental science or other STEM fields, you’re likely already including information about green jobs in your coursework.

Earlier this year, USGBC and its partners hosted two successful offerings of a LEED Green Associate exam prep course for teachers, a professional development experience that equips these teachers to designate themselves as leaders in green building knowledge and helps them to prepare their students for a green building career. USGBC and our partners are excited to be able to offer this exam prep training two more times in 2023!

Major companies use green financing to build their LEED portfolios

Doing business in a sustainable way has been a priority of forward-thinking companies for decades—but in the 2020s, especially for large, highly visible companies, being proactive about having a positive impact and sharing that impact with the public is now essential. Green business is good business, and in the future, financial decisions linked to sustainability goals are likely to be the new normal.

Financing that benefits the environment

The term “green finance” encompasses several forms of funding: incentives to build green; green bonds, or fixed-income financial instruments that raise money for projects to benefit the environment; and green leases, in which tenants commit to, or receive incentives to, participate in energy and water conservation, waste reduction and other sustainable actions.

According to the United Nations, green finance is a subset of sustainable finance. The latter includes social and governance aspects (of “ESG” priorities, closely related to corporate social responsibility), but green finance focuses specifically on environmental goals.

For example, through its Environmental Business InitiativeBank of America has committed $1 trillion through 2030 to advancing goals like renewable energy; sustainable transportation, water and agriculture; and improved forestry management. Citi has also made a $1 trillion commitment to sustainable finance. Charles Schwab and Co. provides layers of guidance to its clients on getting started with ESG investing. These are just a few of the many banks, investment houses and other private and public financial institutions making green choices a priority.

However, much of the momentum powering the ESG train is the will of individual investors—our values are changing. As reported by J.P. Morgan Chase, “$500 billion flowed into ESG-integrated funds in 2021, contributing to a 55% growth in assets under management in ESG-integrated products.” Individuals increasingly want to support companies and products that have a positive impact on the world around them.