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How to leverage LEED for the new airport terminal grant program

How to leverage LEED for the new airport terminal grant program

Airport terminals will receive significant funding under the bipartisan infrastructure law, with LEED included in the statute as one criteria for grant consideration. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently opened applications for the first portion of funding, along with detailed guidance on grant criteria and project applications.

Project leaders in airport terminals may have questions about implementing LEED in airports and how to begin planning for grant applications. What, exactly, does the law require?

With $5 billion in federal funding available, it outlines seven criteria upon which grant applications will be judged. Along with expanding capacity, improving accessibility and other goals, one of them calls for projects that “improve energy efficiency, including upgrading environmental systems, upgrading plant facilities, and achieving Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) accreditation standards.”

While projects are not required to meet all the criteria, priority will be given to those that meet the most goals; thus, projects are strongly encouraged to pursue LEED.

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