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Four emerging clean energy technologies you’ll be hearing more about

Four emerging clean energy technologies you’ll be hearing more about

The European Commission’s European Innovation Council has awarded funding for research on four ‘radically new’ future clean energy technologies.

The funding under the new Pathfinder scheme for deep-tech research and innovation is aimed to support visionary ideas that may – or perhaps may not – translate into reality.

The four clean energy projects, which will run over the next three to four years, are focussed on clean energy production, power harvesting for sensors, energy recovery from waste heat and chemical energy storage.

HERMES – hydrogen-metal systems for clean energy

The HERMES project is revisiting the cold fusion concept, which emerged back in 1989 with the claimed discovery by the electrochemists Martin Fleischmann from Britain and Stanley Pons from France of excess heat production during electrolysis of heavy water (deuterium oxide) using a palladium electrode at room temperature.

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