Energy cost solutions group

The path to zero energy buildings

The path to zero energy buildings

Zero energy buildings are part of creating a regenerative future.

Feature image: LEED Zero Energy Petinelli offices in Curitiba, Brazil.

It’s time to aim for zero. Net zero is a powerful target and encourages project teams to transition from strategies that reduce impact to thinking about how buildings can become tools for restoration and repair across communities—an idea that’s fueling USGBC’s LEED Positive vision.

To help the industry move toward zero, USGBC introduced the LEED Zero certification, a verification of net zero performance in energy, carbon, water or waste over a 12-month period. A complement to LEED, LEED Zero has nearly 30 projects participating around the world and has been applied to a variety of space types, including schools, homes, offices and manufacturing facilities. Certifications have been awarded in all four categories, and Colgate-Palmolive’s factory in Burlington, New Jersey, currently stands alone as the only project to achieve all four LEED Zero certifications.

Zero is the future, and more companies are being asked to design, construct and operate spaces that meet those goals. Zero energy is often a first target and requires architects, engineers and other building team members to consider several important steps:

  • Collecting an integrated team
  • Developing an energy budget and key performance criteria
  • Executing building performance simulation
  • Developing quality assurance and commissioning
  • Focusing on project planning
  • Effectively addressing envelopes, HVAC systems and plug loads

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