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Green skills are changing the workforce

Green skills are changing the workforce

Green careers are growing. Knowledge of sustainable technologies and building techniques is already in demand, and recent studies offer evidence that the trajectory will continue upward.

Whether your expertise is in renewable energy or you want to work for an architecture, engineering or construction firm that supports green building, the prospects are bright for success in the job market.

Worldwide anticipation of a greener future

  • In the 2018 World Green Building Trends report, almost half of global survey respondents said they expect to construct more than 60 percent of their projects as green buildings by 2021. Two-thirds of respondents also reported that using a rating system like LEED allowed them to create better-performing buildings.
  • Over 10 million people worldwide work in renewable energy jobs, according to the Renewable Energy and Jobs Annual Review 2018. The photovoltaic industry alone grew by almost 9% in 2017.

Green economic growth in the United States

  • A survey of business professionals by the National Environmental Education Foundation determined that 65% of those businesses value environmental and sustainability knowledge in job candidates. Furthermore, 78% believe that the value of such knowledge will only increase in importance as a hiring factor.
  • In the U.S., more than 3 million people are employed in the energy efficiency sector, according to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute.
  • Continued growth is projected for green jobs by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects, especially for photovoltaic and wind turbine technicians (as of 2018, the two roles were projected to grow 105% and 96%, respectively, by 2026).
  • The construction sector in general is becoming a buyer’s market for those starting out; in Maryland, according to a recent article in Construction Executive, nearly 100% of Montgomery College construction management students receive job offers before graduation. In Ohio, salaries in construction can start as high as $62,000.

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