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Report finds green job skills in demand

Report finds green job skills in demand

A LinkedIn report finds growth in required sustainability knowledge.

Feature image: The LEED Gold Fremont Office Building, Seattle, Washington. Photo credit: Built Work Photography/Meghan Montgomery.

Green jobs are growing, but so are the need for green skills in any job. A recent report by LinkedIn on the growth of jobs in sustainability, Global Green Skills Report 2022, shows that In the past year, around 10% of job postings with required skills listed on the site have specifically required at least one “green” skill.

Demand for green skills outpacing supply

Based on an examination of its job postings, the employment and networking site found that although the number of jobs requiring green skills grew 8% annually over the past five years, the share of green talent has grown at approximately 6% per year over the same time period. This means that professionals with green skills are in demand, as organizations compete for workers with the necessary knowledge.

The postings requiring green skills are not just for traditional green jobs like wind turbine technician, emphasizes the report, but also for roles like facilities manager or compliance manager, where knowledge of sustainability principles and strategies are part of a broader job description.

In the country and sector trends section, the report shows that the U.S. has the broadest number of job sectors requiring green skills, followed by the United Kingdom.